Frederick Douglass and Radical Republicans

Radical Republicans believe that racial equality, and social and economic justice should be priorities for the government. When the Republican party was first formed in 1854, all Republicans were opposed to the spread of slavery. But they weren't all opposed to it for the same reasons, nor were they all in favor of true equality for Blacks. 
Some Republicans had no concern for Blacks, but wanted to end slavery only because it competed with White labor. Other Republicans wanted to stop the spread of slavery because they wanted the potential farmland to be used to grow diverse crops (other than cotton). But there was a minority of Republicans who believed that all human beings are created equal, that we're all God's children, regardless of race, and that slavery should be abolished because it was evil: those were the Radical Republicans.

Ever wonder where the idea of giving slaves "40 acres and a mule" originally came from? That was a Radical Republican proposal that Congress never passed. While most Republicans-like Abraham Lincoln- believed that Blacks should be freed from slavery, but not given the right to vote, nor hold public office, nor serve on juries, nor intermarry with Whites, the Radical Republicans believed that Blacks were entitled to complete and full equality with Whites-immediately, and without compromise. The Radicals even proposed selling the slave plantations and giving the money from the sale to the former slaves-another Radical proposal that Congress never passed.

One of the greatest and most popular Radical Republicans was Frederick Douglass, a runaway slave who became internationally prominent for his brilliant speeches against slavery, his commitment to equal rights for all races, and for his support of women's rights. Ruff believes that Frederick Douglass's legacy sets the standard by which today's Republicans should be judged, and it exemplifies the ideals to which we aspire.

1) For more on the life of Frederick Douglass: CLICK HERE  

2) For more on the Radical Republicans: CLICK HERE | CLICK HERE